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 Basil Leaves 2voz.

  • Slightly minty and peppery taste
  • Sweet, refreshing scent
  • Great complement to parsley, rosemary, oregano, and thyme
  • Perfect for Meditteranean, Thai, American, and Italian cuisines
  • Best if added towards the end of cooking


Basil has a sweet, refreshing scent and a strong flavor that's peppery and slightly minty. It's popular in Mediterranean and Italian cuisines.Peppery, Sweet Flavor

Great for Sauces and Dressings

Since the flavor of basil can be ruined with too much cooking, it's best to add it at the last moment or leave it raw. This makes it perfect for tomato sauces, pesto, and dressings.


Basil Leaves 2 oz.

SKU: 10207011
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